eSales Hub: What’s the difference between phone call tracking and phone call analytics?

eSales Hub: What’s the difference between phone call tracking and phone call analytics?

eSales Hub uses artificial intelligence to scan inbound calls to determine the status of an inbound phone call; whether the call was a sale, quote, appointment, lead, out of scope call or missed. Unlike call tracking which gives you information about a call, eSales Hub’s platform bridges the gap between click data and sales insight in an offline environment. Discover how by watching the video below.

Video Transcription

Welcome to this eSales Hub video on the difference between phone call tracking and phone call analytics. My name is Mark Taylor and I’m the CEO of eSales Hub.

Call Tracking

If you are aware of the back story of eSales Hub you’ll know that we developed our phone
analytics platform because we wanted more than what phone tracking would provide. Knowing that you’ve had a call is great, but actually knowing the outcome of that call and that it was a sales lead and actually what was the value of the sale that you made off that call can enable you to optimize your Google Ads campaign, Facebook campaign or whatever campaign online.

There are a bunch of cool tracking platforms out there and they do a really good job of tracking calls. But what this eSales Hub video is all about is identifying the difference between phone call tracking and phone call analytics, because there is quite a big difference between the two.

I’ve been dying to do this on one of our videos for some time; it’s a “spoiler alert”. Yep we are going to be giving away quite a few of the secrets of how we develop the leads that we develop for our clients and how our clients license our analytics tool so they can get better insight on what’s actually going on in their business and the sales they are generating, along with the sales that they’re not generating. We are going to give away quite a lot of information and quite a lot of data around how our platform works.

The first thing to have a look at is what is phone call Tracking? Phone call tracking, and there are lots of really good platforms out there, essentially tells you that you’ve had a call. It’ll most likely give you the date and time, the caller’s number, potentially a all recording and a degree of click information. Where did that phone call come from? Where was it Generated? For our Facebook campaign or was it generated by keyword from Google – call tracking will give you this information.

Why phone call analytics?
But the reason why we developed eSales Hub as a platform was because I was frustrated that actually that’s not the endgame. Call Tracking didn’t give me everything that I needed. Of the ten calls I’ve had, which ones were sales, which ones were new customers, which ones were existing customers? Without going through loads and loads of data and trying to manually upload sales data, trying to match telephone numbers to telephone numbers that had called in, it was actually very, very difficult. I knew great my Google campaign or my Facebook campaign was generating calls, but it was very, very hard to actually understand what it actually happens to those calls and which of the channels were good at generating calls but more importantly which of the channels that are good at generating sales.

Why? New customer sales and repeat customer sales are the lifeblood of any business and it’s really why we developed our eSales Hub call analytics platform as we couldn’t get a reliable process for analysing sales completed fast. I remember when we were trying to match data only 50 percent of time because would we get a phone number matching, because often the number someone called in on was different their contact number. I used to find it very frustrating to try and get the level of information we wanted to be able to track those specific sales so that’s really why we set about creating eSales Hub analytics.

There’s nothing wrong with call tracking, it does a really good job. But if, like me, you’ve got tired and want more information and are struggling with the lack of information that you’re getting from call tracking, call analytics is the next step that you want to take to be able to find customer insight and be able to optimize your campaign to a greater level than just with call tracking.

Using call analytics enables you to generate a lot more data in real time by using artificial intelligence, which is the real difference between call tracking and call analytics. Call tracking very much gives you information, it tells you that something happened which is good you know and a lot of businesses use that information very well. But the key to call analytics is having actual insights fast, so being able to see what’s going on in your business in real time, not waiting six weeks for call data, not waiting every month to de-dupe the data to find out what’s happened a month or so ago means you can work faster.

With call analytics you’re able to get a lot more data faster so you can make actual insights rather than just having information which tells you that you’ve had a call but I don’t know if it’s turned into a sale or what’s actually happened.

We’ve had a number of clients that have come to us because of a “black hole” in data; I know I’m getting calls on one side and I know I’m getting sales on the other side but I can’t connect the two together. Uou know I know that you’re pumping in more calls and generating more calls from Google, but you’re not seeing the increase in sales and
you don’t know why.

The great thing about call analytics is it can give you a load of that information very quickly to understand what is actually happening in your business in terms of what’s happening from a sales point of view. You’ll also discover the customers you are not converting and why you’re not converting them. Is there a specific reason? Is there something that’s holding back your business.

How does eSales Hub Analytics work?

To demonstrate this I’m going to show you our call analytics platform, so you get a bit of an idea about exactly how it works so what.

Here’s a call report. I’ve essentially blurred it out so you can’t see client sensitive data. This bit here is really what you would see with call tracking, but the difference with call analytics and what we’re able to do is we put every single call through our artificial intelligence and scan each call to understand what’s happened on that call in real time. Understanding if the call has gone to an appointment or has gone to a sale is the key bit of data. The AI also scores each call out of 10, so you as a client get a good understanding of how your call handler handled the call.

I’ve hidden the keywords as well so that so you can’t see them but as you’ll see here, the lead status, we’ve got different lead statuses. Here you’ll notice we’ve got an appointment, we’ve got a quote and then we’ve got a lead. We’ve also got a few duplicates in there. This is the power of call analytics; we are able to establish, in real time, what happens to that call without having to listen to that call. Now that’s a game changer in terms of data analytics, because it enables you to see very quickly the effectiveness of your campaign on a keyword level as to how well it is driving a performance improvement within your business. This client is focused on driving appointments; they know that for every appointment they get 80% of customers convert, so they’re very interested to know how many of the leads that we’ve generated actually turn into an appointment. That’s the key performance indicator and were able to analyse this very quickly as the artificial intelligence is able to spot what’s actually happened on that call.

As you can see here, we’ve had one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven calls in a day. You’ll notice that five of them are actually duplicates. So straightaway, if you’re not tracking your calls effectively you could be seeing that you’re getting 11 calls rather than actually what you’re getting is you’re getting six sales calls. I think it’s a really important differentiation between a call tracking solution and call analytics because it might be sending your conversion really squiffy. I As you can see here we’re getting out of those six calls, we’re getting three appointments. That’s a 50% conversion. But if you were looking at all 11 calls, your conversion would look a lot less than that and it will be nowhere near what your actual performance is. As you can see here also, what the analytics is doing is actually establishing whether it’s a new prospect, whether it’s an existing or whether it’s a loyal prospect that’s calling back to book the second, third or fourth job. Our system enables you to very clearly see how well your campaign is doing or how well your campaign isn’t doing to generate sales for your business.

This means that you can now track this data and run keyword reports for greater insight. You’ll see here that I’ve hidden the keyword so you can’t see them but the top line is that the keywords that have actually generated a sales call. You can see there’s lots of them and you’ll see there’s one on the far right-hand side that’s generated the most calls. When you look at a sales data that we’ve extracted from this client, what are we able to see is the biggest converting keyword for sales is actually their third largest call volume generator. So you’d immediately think “Great!” from a call tracking point of view; I’m generating loads and loads of calls this keyword must be really good. But it’s not, it’s actually the third largest keyword is the one that generates the most sales for them. That’s a massive benefit of having call analytics; you can optimize your google campaign based on sales data and based on conversion data on the call. Just knowing that you’ve had a call, and again what we’ve seen in the past is just using call tracking can really send you down a blind alley of thinking great I’m generating loads and loads of calls, but actually if you are generating loads of calls that are service calls ( people asking to pay the bill or they have an inquiry about a job) it’s totally different type of call from a brand-new customer who’s phoning you up with a new job. Together with knowing what keywords drive which particular behaviour you are interested in means that you could optimize your campaign to a much bigger level.

Generate more profit from your lead generation campaign

The key takeaways for me on call analytics is that it’s about actual insights in real time. It’s getting those Sales kpi’s into your business and to understand them on an hourly basis – our platform updates every hour so you can see exactly what’s been generated as and when you need it. The power of being able to sit there as a sales manager or a marketing manager and see that day, that morning, that hour actually how effective your marketing has been is exciting.

You can also demographically profile your best and worst customers. As you’re taking that call right the way through its journey through to sale, what you can now do is append demographic data to telephone numbers so you can very quickly understand who your best customers, your worst customers and those you are not converting demographically.

I’ve highlighted a few examples, but you can also find out what’s holding back your business. It’s great if you’re getting a 10% conversion or a 20% conversion, but what about the other 80 or 90% of people that you’re not converting. Why aren’t you converting them? We had a client who was converting quite happily at 27%, but within three hours of using our platform, we noticed that that got an issue up in Scotland with availability. They fixed it
simply by changing the rota and within three weeks they got the conversion up to 64%. It was a problem that they probably had in the business for some time, but just didn’t have the marketing insight and the marketing intelligence to actually see what was going on within their business because just simply didn’t have that data. Just by giving these insights, it meant they could go and do something to their business that had a dramatic improvement on the sales conversion but more importantly, their profitability.

You can also discover what your customers really think about you. I personally find listening to calls really important as you pick up a lot of things, a lot of viewpoints. When you not first line of service in your business you can miss things that are actually happening in your business. It could be customer bottlenecks potentially, it could be a lack of sales. Phone call analytics gives you that so you can understand your real sales conversion.

In conclusion, why use Phone Call Analytics? If you know how many calls you are getting from your online campaigns, why bother with further insight and analytics? To answer that question, I ask another – do you want to make more profit from your lead generation? if you can find out the keywords that are your high-value keywords or the high-value sales versus the keywords that drive the low value sale or the keywords that just simply drive a lot of calls but don’t actually convert, you can radically change your strategy. You can deliver more for less by driving down your cost per sale and cost per lead by having better insight, faster.

Whether you want a fully managed service where we manage your PPC and Facebook campaigns, or your license our platform to get better insight from your online activity, eSales Hub’s call analytics platform can provide you with a granular level of date insight so you can make improvements at scale, fast, for a more profitable lead generation strategy.

If you’d like to know more or want to discuss how you can improve your return on investment and profitability using phone call analytics, do contact us on the number above or set-up a free account with eSales Hub. We’d be delighted to help and have a chat through your your online campaign what could be done to improve it.